This week is student appreciation week at school.
Monday was free ice cream day.
Tuesday was bowl day.
There were four people on the team. We could not get help from others except from the four on your team. A question would be ask from the category your team picked and had 10 seconds to answer the question. Only the team captain could give the answer.
It was the Medical Assistants against the Dialysis students. The Dialysis team had been undefeated all day long and had a chant/cheer going on. It was time for the night class (the time I go) to challenge them in the bowl. I got pick to be the team captain for the MA team.
Those who were not on the team where behind us to cheer us on.
It was tied the whole game.
MA are the champs. We won by one questions. They did not like it very much but they got over it very quickly. I have a great team. We all had fun with it and had lot of support with all the other MA behind us cheering.
Need I say it was very loud in the room. Very one knew we had WON!!!
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