Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Update on my school

I made the president's list for my second mod. I got my grade it was a 97. I have two weeks left in this third mod I am in now. So after I finish this mod I will have four more to complete.
In August I begin my externship.
Then comes GRADUATION!!!
It's going by fast so far.

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Hunt is on


What beautiful weather on Sunday !! We could not have had a more prefect day than we did on Sunday. We went to Gary's dad's house and had the best lunch. I think it was one of the best Easter meals I have had in some time. We had ham, Lima beans, slice tomatoes, potato salad, green beans, rolls and three different deserts. After we were all stuffed and could not move, Steve and Tare hid the eggs for the boys and Katie (the dog).

Katie is just like one of the kids. She thinks she is one anyways. Just look at the pictures this should say it all....

"Give me that egg. I want that egg. I see that see."

Tara kicks backs to watch the boys hunt the eggs.

The boys had fun hunting the eggs. Noah even found a candy eggs that was left from last year. We were surprised the ants or birds had not gotten it. Noah found the prize egg with money in it.

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Jarad learn the correct way to crack a boiled egg....on his daddy's head

After the we finished the egg hunt it was time for some ball action.

Scott, Keva and the girl were able to come.

Halie's turn to hit the ball.

This is the cheering sections.

Katies is running the bases.

Steve was the pitcher before Scott came over. Then Scott relieved Steve and gave him a brake. They all were having fun until.....

The ball disappeared into man hole....But wait one minute...Steve and Scott have an idea....

That's right, they put Jared down into the

man hole sewage hole to retrieved the ball.

After he comes outs, he said that smells like poo poo down there.

Easter Sunday

The Easter Bunnie stopped by the house Ferguson house and left a few goodies for Noah. He got 3 Movies and chocholate bunnie and some peeps chicks. I think he was happy with that. While he was at his mom's house the Mr Petter Rabbit let Noah a letter.

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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Student Appreciation Week

This week is student appreciation week at school.
Monday was free ice cream day.
Tuesday was bowl day.

There were four people on the team. We could not get help from others except from the four on your team. A question would be ask from the category your team picked and had 10 seconds to answer the question. Only the team captain could give the answer.

It was the Medical Assistants against the Dialysis students. The Dialysis team had been undefeated all day long and had a chant/cheer going on. It was time for the night class (the time I go) to challenge them in the bowl. I got pick to be the team captain for the MA team.
Those who were not on the team where behind us to cheer us on.
It was tied the whole game.

MA are the champs. We won by one questions. They did not like it very much but they got over it very quickly. I have a great team. We all had fun with it and had lot of support with all the other MA behind us cheering.

Need I say it was very loud in the room. Very one knew we had WON!!!